Terms and Conditions
This Web site is designed to provide general information about Tri-State Stairlifts and their products and services. Any information contained or referenced in this Web site is suitable only as an introduction to Tri-State Stairlift’s products and services. For specific information and instructions relative to Tri-State Stairlifts products and services, please contact Tri-State Stairlifts.
Tri-State Stairlifts has made and will continue to make great efforts to include accurate and up to date information on this Web site. However, Tri-State Stairlifts makes no warranties or representations, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, veracity or completeness of the information contained or referenced herein. All users agree that all access and use of this Web site and the contents thereof are at their risk. Neither Tri-State Stairlifts nor any party involved in creating, producing or delivering this we site, shall be liable in any manner what so ever for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of your access, use or inability to use this Web site or any errors or omissions in the content thereof, even if Tri-State Stairlifts or any such other party is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.
Tri-State Stairlifts offers products and supplies to the medical communities. Its products used by healthcare professional are regulated by government agencies in each of the countries in which it does business, such as the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, or the European Union Medical Device Directive. To that extent, this Web site contains information about products which may or may not be available in any particular country, may be available under different trademarks in different countries, and where applicable, may be approved or cleared by a government regulatory body for sale or use with different indications and restrictions in different countries. Nothing contained on this we site should be construed as a promotion or solicitation for any product or for the use of any product in a particular way which is not authorized by the laws and regulations of the country where the reader is located. Specific questions about the availability and use of products described on the Web site should be directed to an Tri-State Stairlifts representative. THESE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY APPLY TO JURISDICTIONS THAT DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES. NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS CONFERRING BY IMPLICATION, ESTOPPEL, OR OTHERWISE ANY LICENSE OR RIGHT UNDER ANY PATENT OR TRADEMARK OF INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL EQUIPMENT OR ANY THIRD PARTY. EXCEPT AS CONFERRING ANY LICENSE OR RIGHT UNDER ANY TRI-STATE STAIRLIFTS COPYRIGHT.